Are you giving birth in the near future and a little nervous about your vaginal birth plan? Are your medical provider’s explanations just a little too medical? Having a visual tool to explain the three stages of vaginal childbirth is a great means of answering any questions you may have, as well as assuaging any fears. Nucleus Medical Media created educational animations for all members of its medical audience. With members of the world’s population giving birth once every eight seconds, videos such as this one, Labor and Vaginal Birth (Childbirth), provide valuable information.

Stage One: Labor

The first stage, as explained in the video, can last between 12 and 19 hours and involves labor pains. These pains, or contractions, occurring every five to 20 minutes and can even be located in your lower back. This is also the stage where your water breaks, signaling when you should contact your medical provider to discuss your labor timeline.

Stage Two: Actively Giving Birth

Depending on certain physical attributes of both you and your baby, this stage can last from 20 minutes to two hours. This is where you will begin the act of pushing; as the video shows you should be fully dilated at this point. Your baby will crown and be delivered during this stage.

Stage Three: Bonding

At this point in the labor and delivery process, you and your baby get to bond while your body continues to contract. Why is your body still contracting at this point? In order to remove the placenta from your body. Using videos to educate yourself about a life-changing event like giving birth is a great way to prepare yourself. Check out the full video for more details on what a vaginal birth will be like.