Confidence is something that a person has that once you see them you can tell they’ve got it. It can range from being arrogant like some of our sports heroes or very quiet persona of a Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey. Have you ever noticed that some people are just able to get what they want from anyone at any time? These are the confident people. Confident people are always at the forefront of everything great. They make things happen compared to the others who are afraid and skittish. Confident people do things that can and is changing the world. Their names are the names we all remember, they think outside the box. On the other hand, there are the others who either fake confidence or have none at all. The ones who try to get the attention of everyone in the room by being loud, boisterous and always ready for a fight. The ones without, are always hiding in a corner hoping that no one will notice they are there or draw attention to them. Confident people are more likely to be great inventors, make impressions on the world at large and they think much larger than people who aren’t. They are the ones who are being promoted and earning more money. Confident people are the ones who get the girl or guy while everyone else sits around and wonder how they did it. You too can learn to become more confident and self-assured. Your life doesn’t have to be perfect for you to be confident. You only have to imitate what the truly confident people do. Learn from them and your confidence will grow as well.

1. They do not need external forces to be happy

People who are confident are happy with who they are. They know that to be happy with what you are doing you must also be happy with who you are. They may not be the brightest, best looking, etc. but one thing for sure they do not need anyone telling them otherwise because they are happy in their skin. Confident people get their strength and confidence in the things they accomplish and not what others perception of them are. They couldn’t care less about what insecure critiques have to say about them. Confident people know that detractors will never achieve their greatness because they lack one of the main ingredients to success.

2. They are not judgmental

People who are confident do not have the time to be trying to tear others down. They see people as people and know that everyone is very special and have something special to offer. They are so confident that they do not need to tear people down to feel good about themselves. Insecure people who lack confidence does that to others. Confident people do not get any gratification in making other people unhappy or insecure.

3. They make their “yes” means “yes” 

Confident people only say “yes” when they are sure they mean “yes”. They love to challenge themselves and will never back down from a challenge. They want to be pushed so they can grow. They are eager to say yes to self-development and self-improvement initiative. They know that their confidence only increases with every challenge they overcome and every test they have passed. If they are not convinced in their ability to get the job done right, they will easily say no with conviction. There is no room for second guessing what their answers are.

4. They listen attentively

Confident people listen very attentively and speak less than others. Since they have nothing to prove, they do not need to convince anyone that they know what they are talking about. They let their work speak for them. They are that confident. They are also fully aware that listening is a great way to learn, and confident people make an effort to learn something new constantly.

5. They are not uncertain when they speak

Confident people seldom leave room for misunderstanding. There isn’t any second guessing them. There isn’t any half-heartedness when they communicate with others. They are fully aware that it is difficult to get people to listen to you, so they know their message has to be forthcoming and very clear.

6. They take care of themselves

Confident people take very good care of themselves both mentally and physically. They not only want to succeed in their business life but also in their personal life and more so in their physical appearance. They know that when you look good you also feel much better about yourself. Confident people know you cannot be representing a business to people and expect them to put their trust in you when you are not confident.

7. They are not attention seekers

Individuals who are comfortable with who they are don’t crave being the center of attention. They realize early that there is no need to draw attention to themselves, especially attention that isn’t productive. Confident people always bring the right attitude to the table. They are better at leading, closing deals and making deals. They are more inclined to do things to uplift and progression of the human race as a whole.

8. They are givers rather than takers

People who are confident are more inclined to be givers than takers. They are always eager to help others who are in a lesser position. They want others to feel good about themselves as well and so tend to be more motivating and are great at writing great motivational and inspiring books and quotes. The live to inspire and motivate people to be the best they can be.

9. They aren’t afraid to say they were wrong

Individuals who are very confident are not afraid to accept that they can be incorrect at times. They put their thoughts out there so they can be challenged and for others to prove them wrong. This is how they learn and grow. They see it as a two-way learning method. They do not get insulted or feel badly because someone prove their theories wrong. Confident people see correction as an opportunity to become better.

10. They celebrate other people’s success

When you are confident, you will rejoice when others succeed. You see it as an amazing feat. They are not jealous or envious of others and so can honestly be as happy for others as they are for themselves. People who are insecure tend to doubt themselves and try to criticize and downplay others success. Confident people know that their strengths come from within them and have no time for feeling insecure.

11. They aren’t afraid to take risks

Confident people are never afraid to take risks. They are eager to take on a challenge and are eager to go after an opportunity when it arises. They do not see things like “can’t”. Everything is always a possibility and a test they enjoy undertaking. They do not allow their fear to keep them back. They know that if they do not take a chance they will never know if they would be successful.

12. They enjoy team work

When you are confident in yourself, you want to share your knowledge with others and learn from them and what better way to do so than to work with other people. Confident people are fully aware of their strengths and weaknesses and so want to be around people who will complement them and challenge them at the same time. They do not see it as a weakness to ask for help from others who are more knowledgeable than they are.

13. They take time to be happy

Confident people love to have fun and choose the things that truly give them a fun time. Most confident people would rather be surrounded by friends and families than others. Their type of fun is more about the things that truly matter. They are not trying to prove anything to anyone, but they will make sure that their families are their number one priority. Confidence is something that we all can develop and build. Although building one’s confidence takes time it is imperative that we all spend time improving our self-confidence so we can become better individuals. Practice makes improvement and so will your confidence if you work on it regularly.