Watch out for what-ifs and to-dos.

As soon as you start to dream again, a list of what-ifs and to-dos rushes in. What if I quit my job and pursue my dream and it doesn’t work out? What if I’m not as good of a business person as I think I am? What if there are too many nice businesses out there already? As soon as there is a break in what-ifs, to-dos hurry to take their place. I probably have to go back to school. Would anyone take me seriously without any specific certificates? I definitely didn’t take any related classes in college. I’ve never even run my own business. I’d probably need to learn how to do that too! By the time you run through your list of uncertainties, that desk and computer screen are looking more and more comfortable. Safer. But will settling for the easiest path ever lead you to the life you truly want?

Giving up when it’s difficult is not an option. Do what is right.

If you have read this far and started to feel guilty about putting your dreams on hold and taking the easiest path, consider this. In order to take risks and pursue your dreams, you must encourage yourself. Guilt will likely hold you back from pursuing what matters most to you. Instead of feeling guilty, see this article as a call to action. We all choose the easiest path instead of the right one from time to time. We all drift away from what matters most to us. What’s important is getting back on track as soon as we notice ourselves drifting.

Every simple step leads to great success.

If your dream is to have your own business, consider taking some related courses online or at your local community college. Being around others who are passionate about expressing their own ideas will help fuel your dreams and keep you focused on your goal. Also, gaining momentum toward a goal is the hardest part. Once you’ve gained some confidence in your new field and met others who believe in your dream, the next steps will be easier. If you don’t have time to take a class right now, consider interviewing others who already have success in the field you’d like to enter. For instance, email some young entrepreneurs and ask if you can interview them about how they got started. Learning from others who have accomplished similar goals can save you time and energy, allowing you to learn from their mistakes without having to make the same ones yourself.

Your dreams worth all the risks and effort.

Above all, remind yourself daily that your dreams, desires, and intuition matter. Do not let others be the deciding factor on whether you stay in a safe but unfulfilling job. Taking the path of least resistance will never lead to the life of your dreams. Realizing a dream involves risk and adventure, but that’s what makes it so worthwhile.