Common Causes of Constipation

The common causes of a clogged up digestive system are pretty generic – dehydration, not going to the potty even when you have the urge, lack of exercise and a diet lacking in fiber are the common culprits. But what about the uncommon ones?

What Should You Eat to Prevent or Ease Constipation?

While a balanced diet should take care of your one-off constipation, if you do have repeated episode, then these are the foods that make you poop [6].

High Fiber Foods: Fiber regulates the gut – much as following traffic rules ensure there are no traffic jams or tickets, a diet with 20-30gm of fiber daily will ensure no clog ups either. Foods that are over processed have taken all the fiber out – to get all the goodness of food, opt for the whole- or multi-grain variety and always choose organic. Poop Softening Foods: Think of what babies are fed when they have problems pooping. Applesauce (rich in pectin, a fiber), barley, oatmeal as well as legumes soften the stool so that it can be passed without pain or injury. Stock up on some vitamin C: Citrus foods make you poop so dig into them as well as fruits like kiwis and strawberries that are bursting with all the poop-softening goodness of vitamin C – also an antioxidant that helps in rejuvenation on a cellular level. Think sorbitol: Sorbitol is a naturally occurring laxative and found richly in, you guessed it, prunes, plums and pears! So go for them, anytime your digestive system is a no go… Drink up: When in doubt, go for water and healthy drinks such as green teas – the water and the teas help in flushing your system, so as to speak. Get your dose of probiotics: Think fermented stuff – yogurt, kefir, kimchee all come loaded with healthy gut bacteria that do their own eating and digesting in your digestive tract and help clear out any blockages and preventing any further ones as well.

10 Foods That Make You Poop

Here are our top ten picks of foods that make you poop, which can really help that system flush itself out…

1. Prunes

A single prune aka a dried plum has about 1gm of fiber – pretty intense and just right to help you ease that constipation. The sugars in prune – fructans and sorbitol also have a laxative effect [7].

2. Kiwi

A cup of kiwi gives you 5gm of fiber, doesn’t make you gassy and also gives you the stool-softening and anti-oxidant properties of vitamin C that it is fairly bursting with [8].

3. Flax Seeds

One tablespoon ground flax seeds contain 2gm of fiber – and once ground they are easy to throw in just about anything – smoothies, breakfast cereal or even salads or legumes [9].

4. Oranges

When clogged, skip the OJ and eat an orange instead. One orange not only has 4gm fiber for just 86 Calories but also contain naringenin, a flavonol with laxative properties [10].

5. Oatmeal

Having oats for breakfast gives you more than just cholesterol reducing benefits. Half a cup of oats (dry) contain 2gm each of soluble and insoluble fiber – together, they bulk up the stool, soften it and help ease that constipation [11].

6. Popcorn

3 cups of popcorn (the healthy air-popped version) gives you 3gm fiber at just 93 calories, plus the saltiness helps stave off any chip cravings [12]!

7. Beans

So cup for cup, beans provide almost double the fiber that veggies do – and they are also incredibly versatile so can be added in stews, salads and soups [13]

8. Apples

Apples not only keep the doctor away with their nutrients, the pectin in them is a great soluble fiber that well, helps you poop! [14]

9. Yogurt

While most experts would advise you to stay away from dairy products if constipated, yogurt is an exception. The probiotic bacteria aka lactobacillus in it will help you go regularly [15].

10. Coffee

Caffeine is a stimulant so it can cause you to have a bowel movement. But take care you don’t have to much lest it dehydrates you and makes it worse! [16]. There are plenty other foods that make you poop, which you can incorporate into your daily diet to make sure that you do not lack the all-important, gut-clearing component i.e. fiber; like brown rice, legumes or pulses [17] and of course water and green tea. So remember to eat right, drink lots of water, go when you need to and of course, exercise to be the healthiest you and your gut can be… Featured photo credit: Weight Loss Resources via

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