But what those people do have in common is their love for creating things with their own two hands. It keeps them busy and it’s also a great way to relieve stress. From my personal observation, woodworks are very popular throughout the States. Although there are several tools for woodworking, one of the most popular ones is the wood lathe.

What’s a wood lathe?   

A wood lathe is an electrical machine that’s built with a small motor, a headstock, and a tailstock. The headstock and the tailstock are there to hold your piece of wood firmly in place while the chisel is doing the carvings. Although wood lathes are some very simple machines, you do have to know their differences in order to buy the right one for your needs or projects. With a wood lathe, you’ll be able to create many different types of items. However, it’s important that you know beforehand what you’ll be using yours for. If you’re going to get yourself a wood lathe, here are some important factors to consider before you spend your money.

The type of project you’re about to undertake

It’s a must that you know your project first as some wood lathes may be perfect while other types may not be so good for your project. With that being said, it’s not one size for all when it comes to wood lathes. A tabletop wood lathe could be the best one for you if you’re planning on making some small objects. For example, with a tabletop wood lathe, you can make wooden pens, small bowls, and many other small size objects. If you want to make larger size objects then a wood lathe may not be powerful enough for you. In this case, you’ll have to buy a steel or cast-iron lathe. They’re able to handle larger pieces of wood that would be needed for larger size objects.

Size does matter with wood lathes

The larger isyour wood lathe is, the more beneficial it is, because once you own one you’ll start having new ideas of new objects to create. You don’t want to keep upgrading while you could have just bought a larger one at once. A large one can still make small objects, but a small one will not be able to make big ones. Therefore, you’ll get more in return for your money by buying a larger size wood lathe.

Evaluate your working station first

Wood lathes are bulky equipment that can occupy a fairly large space. Luckily, it’s very easy to know the size that can fit in your space since they’re all measured in inches. To be sure that you’re buying the right size for your space area, take its measurement first. And then you can go from there.

Don’t forget about your safety

Safety first! You’ll have to buy some kind of face mask to protect your face and your eyes. You shouldn’t ignore that those types of works are very dangerous to your face. While doing those type of works tiny pieces of wood and dirt are flying everywhere. They can land on any part of your body, but your face should be at least protected from them. Buy yourself a full face shield; you’ll be very glad that you did.


Wood lathes are very important equipment that enables us to create beautiful objects. Whether it’s a salad bowl or table legs, a wood lathe can help you get that done easily. However, you’ll need to pay attention to every piece of information shared with you through this article as they are very important. Don’t forget to install your equipment according to your installation’s manual; it has to be balanced and sturdy for good results.