This is totally normal – don’t worry! However, there are a few things you should be able to do by the time you hit 25 to make your own life easier and more pleasant – check them out here.

1. Make a new friend

Your friends are awesome, but you can never have enough friends. Don’t just associate with the people you have known since high school – lose the fear and realize everyone you talk to is a potential friend.

2. Think for yourself

Don’t believe everything you read or are told. Research before you form an opinion, whether you are reading the news or your best friend’s tweets.

3. Be able to enjoy your own company

You don’t have to become a hermit, but don’t fear being alone. You have a lot in common with yourself, so try to spend a night a week enjoying your own company and doing the things you love – just alone.

4. Be able to cook a nutritious meal

Learn to cook a meal you love that is nutritious and healthy. You don’t have to learn an entire cookbook – just one or two recipes that you can use when you feel like having a tasty, warm, nutritious dinner.

5. Go a week without complaining

It may seem impossible, but you might notice that you’re happier when you’re not fixating on the things that annoy you.

6. Be confident enough to ask for a raise

If you feel like you deserve a promotion, don’t be afraid to ask after one. Women often earn less than men, and it is important to know your worth and how to ask for more.

7. Understand your money

Student loans are real and so is credit card debt. Start paying off your debts and consider opening a saving account.

8. Trust yourself

Second guessing yourself and self-doubt will only make your life harder. Trust yourself and realize you are the best person to make your own life choices.

9. Walk away from a negative relationship

Most people have a toxic relationship in their lives – it could be a co-worker, a friend or a member of your family, but if you know that the relationship has gone sour, walk away. Even if they were kind to you once, you don’t deserve that toxicity in your life.

10. Become more compassionate

Many people are proud of being blunt, but being compassionate is often nicer for the people around you. It is important to be honest, but it is also important to be a kind and supportive person – aim to be both.

11. Put together a piece of furniture

If you can’t do something, learn to do it. Instead of asking your friend to help you set up the furniture, sit down with the manual and figure it out yourself. You’ll feel so proud whenever you look at the completed piece of furniture.

12. Stick up for yourself

If you need to sit down on the train, ask the person sat down to move up so there is room for both of you. You are just as important as everyone else in this world, so don’t sell yourself short or let others steamroll you.

13. Have a disagreement without getting upset

Being able to argue without getting upset or personally offended is an important part of being a mature adult. Be logical during conflict and people are more likely to respect your opinions and listen to you.

14. Create a signature drink

Alcoholic or not, it is pretty fun mixing up a unique drink that tastes delicious.

15. Learn to budget

Budget your entire pay check and set aside money for rent, bills, food, debt, savings and fun. This will make the rest of your life much easier and less stressful.