As a scientist, personal development bloke and fascinated observer of people, I love to see what people do (and don’t do) and then try to figure why they do (or don’t do) whatever it is that they’re doing. Or not doing. As the case may be. Or not be. If you know what I mean. Hey, don’t you complain… I’m confused and I’m writing it! Anyway, there’s two interesting observations I’ve made lately. Observation 1 In most of my open-to-the-public workshops (as opposed to my corporate gigs) the vast majority of my audience is typically women. The weekend just past we ran a ‘Renovate Your Life’ workshop and over eighty percent of the attendees were of the more attractive and sweeter smelling gender. A couple of weeks ago I gave an open-to-the-public keynote presentation (health, fitness, lifestyle, psychology stuff) in a large fitness centre and nearly ninety percent(!) of the audience were women. These kinds of percentages are pretty common for my presentations. Now, if I was a young, good-looking, stud-muffin with a six-pack and a severe case of Brad-Pitt-itis that might give us some insight into the skewed numbers, but clearly I’m not, and clearly, people are coming along for the information, the motivation and the education. Even when I do a presentation where many of the people in the audience don’t really know who I am, we still have a much higher percentage of women book in and attend. Observation 2 The vast majority of commentors on personal development sites are women. While it varies a little from article to article, the ratio of female to male contributors is quite amazing. Recently I took a stroll through some of my past posts and the percentage of female commentors is regularly up around the ninety percent mark. So the obvious question is, “why does this happen and what does it tell us?” You’re right; that’s actually two questions. Well, I’m not really sure but I’ll throw around a few possibilities…

Naaah, probably not. Perhaps… Or possibly… Maybe…

A final thought… Maybe some of us alpha-male-warriors need to climb down from the security of our monster trucks and go and see Sex and the City tonight. Or perhaps give another bloke a hug. Help a confused male out; let me know your thoughts on this perplexing issue. I’m off to hunt. Er, I mean do Yoga.

Where Are the Blokes  - 75Where Are the Blokes  - 83Where Are the Blokes  - 20