One of the things I most appreciate about the Harry Potter series is how many life lessons it taught me in some of my most formative years. Covering topics like friendship, morals, love, creativity and motivation, Harry Potter is as much of a life guide as it is an incredible story. Here are four unexpected Harry Potter life lessons I’ve learned from those seven books.

1. I First Understood Depression With Harry Potter

Depression would plague me more later in life, but it was the descriptions of the feelings caused by the Dementors that served as a potent introduction to the very real problem that I would later experience. J.K. Rowling captured the hopelessness that comes with depression, which few people who haven’t suffered from it can understand. Her use of the Dementors in the Harry Potter series taught me to channel my Patronus (inner strength) to push through the inexplicably tough times.

2. I Learned That Friendship Requires Bravery

Whether it means not letting a friend drive when they’re drunk or sharing the hard truths they need to hear, being a good friend is not always easy. That Harry Potter life lesson was delivered in Sorcerer’s Stone when first-year Neville Longbottom stood up to Harry and friends. It was an impressive demonstration of the kind of bravery that’s required in or outside a world of witchcraft and wizardry. It warmed the heart when Neville’s courage rewarded them near the end of the book in the form of Gryffindor winning the House Cup.

3. I Realized That Creativity Comes From Hard Work

Hermione was by far the most creative student at Hogwarts specifically because she worked so hard. Her hours studying paid off, saving her friends’ hides more than once or twice. Harry had raw talent, but Hermione was super inventive because she utilized all her knowledge to innovate. That emphasis on the value of hard work is one of my favorite Harry Potter life lessons.

4. I Found An Awesome Productivity Hack

The students of Hogwarts were far more dedicated to their studies and their school than the kids you’d find at a typical place of education. Why was that? Largely because of the House Cup that taunted Gryffindor, Slitherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. That taught me one most significant Harry Potter life lessons, showing that we all need some kind of “trophy” to reward ourselves for our hard work. That can be in the form of some TV time, a tasty treat or something else that motivates us to get things done. If you have that carrot at the end of the stick, you will run faster. Yet another important life lesson imparted to me by Harry Potter.