Consider yourself fortunate if you find love with a traveler, because being in relationship with such a free-spirit comes remarkable perks. In addition to having a motivational travel buddy, you’re given the opportunity to revisit important life lessons. Your traveler will likely reconnect you to values such as open-heartedness, self-reliance, trust and gratefulness you may have lost sight of.

Travel lovers are more receptive to people and experiences.

Adventure out of your familiar social network and neighborhood, and you expose yourself to new people with life perspectives different from yours. Even if your journey is across town to a new coffee shop, you’re bound to see new faces. Now, imagine how much newness you’d undergo if you traveled to Asia or Africa. An experienced traveler who regularly experiences new cultures and cuisine has interacted with people from various demographics. Their openness will rub off on you, if you’re open to it. It can be refreshing to date someone who sees beyond stereotypes to get to the individual. Your travel lover will be seeing you in this loving light, too.

Travel lovers embrace change. The love the fluidity of life.

Any seasoned traveler will have survived at least one nightmare at the airport. They’ve probably had food-poisoning, had various plans canceled due to inclement weather – the list goes on. Life happens. Travelers have intimate experience with change. Certainly, it can confound the most patient of us when our plans are changed by powers outside of our control. But traveler who love to travel don’t let the inevitable disappointment stop them from adventuring out. More often than not, it’s the unexpected that motivates them. One canceled flight may lead to the most advantageous experiences. If your romantic partner is a traveler, you’re in for a ride, a particularly romantic adventure. That cancelled flight may lead to a spontaneous night under the stars, or at an international hostel. From there, you may meet another traveling couple with whom you could become friends. The point is that your traveling partner goes with the flow. They welcome change. You will share experiences with them you never would otherwise.

Travelers are self-sufficient and independent.

No matter how free-spirited, the individual who has sojourned in a foreign country has learned how to take care of themselves on some level. Even if they went through a travel agency to plan their itinerary, these travelers have developed goals and plotted out the steps needed to get them to their destination. Given that all travel adventures come with unexpected changes, the traveler will have had to problem solve, compromise and prioritize. In a way, traveling works to expedite the process of growing up. Your future lover is already an independent soul. You won’t need to coach them or hold their hand with each new dilemma. We are always on the path to greater self-knowledge, but your traveler date has acquired insight into their strengths and weaknesses through the trials that come with travel.

Travel lovers are dreamers.

It takes curiosity and the belief that the world has more to offer to get us out the door. Travelers are seekers by nature. They aren’t okay with the status quo. For example, they may have been told that Paris is romantic city, but they need to test that out for themselves. Some travelers find their inspiration from childhood dreams. Maybe they decide to travel to South America as an adult because they’ve always wanted to see where the favorite animal, the Three-Toed Sloth, originates. Still others long to see where their ancestors come from. Dreams entice the traveler to get going, and the beauty and wonder they encounter perpetuates this cycle. Their thirst for the new drives them to continually explore. If you join them on their journey’s, you can expect to benefit from their appetite for life.

Travel lovers have gratitude for themselves and others.

At the end of the day, or the end of a trip, the traveler acknowledges their thankfulness for what they have. Even if they’re journeying through affluent countries, the experience of uprooting themselves from the familiarity of the everyday to see something new has a way of putting things in perspective. They love what they have even more. They may come to this realization through some profound experience such as seeing first-hand the impoverished populations of India, or simply by having to sleep in a different bed. Your journey-seeking date may have developed a greater sense of appreciation for others by having to rely on strangers to help them navigate a foreign city. There are any number of pathways that may lead an individual to a deeper appreciation for themselves and the world. Of course, traveling isn’t necessary to connect with this life wisdom. But if you are dating a traveler, be prepared to discover that their gratitude grows and deepens which each adventure. Be open to the gifts they have to offer. Dating a traveler can rejuvenate your capacity for adventure and enthusiasm for life.