They know how to be nurturing

Having the responsibility of caring for a pet tends to bring out the more nurturing side of their owners and this quality translates over to their human relationships as well. Your partner has had a lot of practice caring for a pet in distress, whether they were suffering from an illness, stressed out from thunder or recovery from an illness. Having this caring quality is important for finding a partner, because that means that they are bound to take care of you just as well.

They understand dedication

Having a pet is a long-term commitment that requires all owners to be willing to care for an animal for many years. For some pet owners this means 10-15 years of care! This translates well to a romantic relationship, where you will have a partner that understands the importance of dedication and is willing to stay with you through the ups and downs.

They understand sacrifice

Pet owners experience their fair share of having to make sacrifices in their lives, whether it is not being able to go on a weekend trip when their pet is sick to waking up early to walk their dog before work. It is important that you find someone who is willing to understand the importance of compromise and sacrifice within a relationship, because this is a key component to making a relationship successful.

They are not afraid of a little mess

Shedding, bodily fluids and dirt all comes along with owning a pet. Dating someone who is not squeamish from when a cat coughs up a hairball on the carpet or does not mind dog hair everywhere is a keeper. Washing up and cleaning after a pet is part of the daily upkeep and less glamorous side of having a furry family member. Life can get a messy sometimes, both physically and metaphorically and it is important to have someone by your side who is there to help clean up and reassure you that everything will be fine!

They have built in stress-relievers

Pets are great stress-relievers, whose affection and devotion to their owners and those around them help brighten their day and ward off anxiety and stress-related illnesses. This has been proven through the term “therapy dogs” where bringing dogs to school, hospitals and work sites have helped reduce stress levels. It’s important to find a partner that has a great outlet for stress and having a pet is an excellent way to make up for a hard day at work or a fight you had with your friend. Being around your significant other’s pet can also benefit you greatly and help you relieve any pent up stress that you have been experiencing. It is definitely cheaper than going to a therapist!

They are extra sensitive to your needs

Having a pet means that as an owner you have to be extra alert to their needs, since you cannot speak the same language. Having a partner that is sensitive is key, because they are more likely to be able to be empathetic towards you when you are struggling or needing support. Learning to anticipate a partner’s needs is crucial to a healthy and happy relationship. Featured photo credit: Flickr via

Why It s Wonderful To Date People Who Keep Pets - 40Why It s Wonderful To Date People Who Keep Pets - 2Why It s Wonderful To Date People Who Keep Pets - 23