Before you slam down your coffee cup in outrage, answer these questions for me (then if you wish, slam it down with all your might): If motivation is the answer, then why are you continuing with all the habits that have proven harmful to you in the past? If motivation is the answer, then how is it that after reading all the books, listening to all the audios and attending all the life-changing seminars, you are still no closer to success than you had hoped? While now is a good time to ponder the answers to those questions, I’ll probably lose you if you do. So stick with me for now, and save your self-examination for later on.

Why Motivation Can Be Damaging

What I’m getting at here is that motivation is not key to your success. Motivation is often used incorrectly and gets relied upon just like an illegal drug—as a pick-me-up, something to ingest for some much-needed energy. The effects are short lived, and just like many other drugs, you find yourself searching for it more and more. It does not supply you with a constant source of energy and you can be sure that after every high point there will be a low. So if motivation is not the key, then what is the best way to stay focused and hit those goals that you desire the most? Well, before I reveal all, let me tell you that I was once a slave to motivation, reading all the books, listening to all the audios, and I probably even sat next to you at the seminars. But I quickly came to realize that I wasn’t moving forward. One step forward but two steps back was the familiar dance I was performing all too frequently. So I decided to get to the bottom of it.

Why Wasn’t Motivation Getting Me Where I Wanted to Be?

The answer was ‘connection.’ My connection to things that I thought were important to me wasn’t strong enough for me to pursue them. I just used various means of motivation to try and pull me through. You are no doubt doing the same! Motivation will be required when you don’t have a strong enough ‘why’ behind the things that you are doing. If you have a strong enough why—a real, meaningful reason for you to be doing exactly what it is you are doing—then you are more likely to stick to the plan, get the results you desire and begin to experience success, all without the need of motivation. The more you lean on motivation, the less clarity you have around your goals, your dreams and desires. Once you get to the true core of what it is you want, then you will find that inner motivation to be your driving force.

Finding Your Inner Motivation

I want you to think about how motivation is serving you right now. For every mini goal you have, whether it be business, family, or personal, ask yourself these three questions to help you decide whether those goals really mean what you say they mean:

  1. Why do I truly and honestly want to achieve this goal?
  2. Does it mean as much to me as I say it does?
  3. How much better would my life be if I was to achieve this? Once you’ve answered those questions for each and every goal you’ve set yourself, you will come to a realization of the worth of each, and only then will you know how each serves you best. If you find it’s the very thing you want in your life right now, then the motivation will be provided from deep within your soul. You’ll feel it upon waking every morning. Featured photo credit: Motivation. Not all it’s cracked up to be? via