When you start focusing your attention and energy less on the results but rather on the processes or the techniques involved you discover that you learn faster, are more successful and even happier at the outcome. Altogether you gain more in life when you focus on the process rather than the results. As humans we are not always satisfied with our present circumstances. We all have needs and wants that are endless that we have the pressure of achieving results always hovering over us. We believe that only through results can we secure a pathway for a better future. But such thoughts can be selfish and overwhelming when you consider that this stems out of concerning ourselves with what others think of us rather than what we should be thinking of ourselves. Here are some reasons why people who focus on the process rather than results gain more in life.

They can deal with mistakes

Mistakes are part of existence as no one is perfect. Mistakes help you learn and grow in life. When you are focused on a specific desired result you are less willing to experiment or take risks that may just propel you to a better outcome than the one you were actually aiming for.

They gain satisfaction in the pursuit

Success is a journey rather than a destination. When you are focused on the process you really are excited about being in the present and enjoying it more fully. You are engaged and you want to dig deep at those opportunities and avenues you can, because at the end of the day it becomes about learning faster and gaining experience.

They have fewer distractions

Let’s face it, there is pressure when it comes to delivering results. You really want to prove a point and you are sort of steamed to cut corners if you have to just to achieve results. When you focus on the process you eliminate the noise of external factors. There is less pressure. It is not about winning or losing but it is about gaining mastery in whatever desire you are pursuing. You are not disturbed. It is not really about satisfying the external factors but rather about conquering you.

They are in charge

Focusing on results puts you in partial control of whether you reach it or not. There are things working against you, time, health, support group, competition… the list is endless. You just have to deliver. But when you do not have the challenge of getting results hovering, you have an internal locus of control that leads to higher self-esteem, empowerment and all together success. This gives you a more meaningful life.

They derive happiness in giving their very best

There is happiness in enjoying the fruit of your labor. That is what focusing on the process gives you. Things in life may not actually turn out the way you want to but you are happy that you dedicated yourself to the process and won within. There is no point in predicating your success on only a specific outcome, this will only lead to frustration and disappointment. Rather than allowing your happiness to be contingent on you attaining a particular result, let your happiness be dependent on how much you have worked to reach your goal. Featured photo credit: Petar Paunchev via shutterstock.com