Lapel pins were used to show the belonging to certain nationality or political party. They emerged in the Civil War era, when they were meant to show their wearer had been awarded by the government. Social groups also started to use them and in the 60s-70s lapel pins were used by communist party. More recently, the terrorist attacks from 9/11 made pins popular again, as people were wearing American flag pins to show their solidarity. The most interesting symbolism of lapel pins comes from the Greek culture, where boys could pin their girlfriends as a sign of pre-engagement. In our times, lapel pins are a way to express your personality and have fun. From memes to doodles, you can find any type of lapel pin or you can order a custom made one. Being cheap, they are easy to collect and can fit any gender, as well as style. But it’s not their versatility that makes lapel pins a new rage, that is here to stay.

Lapel Pins are Pieces of Art

Millennials may be tech-savvy and keen on volunteering abroad, but they are also broke. A millennial is not going to afford to buy art, even if he does understand it. Lapel pins offer millennials a way to have small art works and wear them. Especially for those who grew up collecting Disney lapel pins, investing in modern pins is a great way to come in touch with things they value. Everything is now online, so we crave physical experiences. Lapel pins are an easy way to get those experiences and support art, even if it’s on a small scale.

Lapel Pins are Great Business Marketing Tools

As lapel pins are broadly marketed on Instagram, there is a strong emotional connection between their producers and people who are buying them. When you see a funny pin on Instagram, you act on emotions and you buy it. This is great for businesses and entrepreneurs who can use lapel pins to market themselves. Lapel pins allow entrepreneurs to connect with their potential customers, creating a genuine connection. Another great thing you can do with metal lapel pins is raise funds for charity: they are small, cheap and easy to sell, which makes them perfect for charity.

Pins are Fashionable

Lapel pins are an inexpensive way to express yourself, without having to change your outfit too much. This makes lapel pins perfect for people who work in corporations or other spaces where there is a dress code. You can use lapel pins to express your feelings and boost your outfit – one day you can wear a Kim Kardashian pin, the next day you can wear a cat pin, depending on what you feel like in the morning. Also, you can wear the pin on your shirt, jacket, or bag. One can talk about a lapel pin culture because these small items can be used to reflect your personality, beliefs and support for different causes. You can wear a lapel pin to support your favorite artist, brand or simply to add a funny touch to your outfit. What makes lapel pins special is their ability to capture a highly significant moment and turn it into a tangible memento. Being easy to customize, pins can be a very important gift, which you can wear all the time. Featured photo credit: Lynn Friedman/Flickr via