Heating – make sure you are focused on maintaining heat within the home. You can get away with a moderate temperature if you add enough caulking and sealant to make sure there are no cracks. When you allow heat to leave the home, you are costing yourself extra money. Also, the house does not have to be warm enough to wear a t-shirt and shorts in the home. Bundle up in clothing and blankets and allow the temperature to drop a bit. It’s natural anyway! Lighting – winter comes with longer nights, which means lighting can become a major issue in some parts of the world. Discipline is one of the best ways to avoid overuse problems. Also, if you can deal with cooler temperatures with warm clothing, you can allow sunlight during the day to avoid light usage. Appliances – many appliances can cost hundreds of dollars in energy every year, but if there is snow right outside, there is no real reason you need to use a freezer. You can place things in a small icebox outside to save energy. You can also cook multiple meals to save energy with your stove. Save the meals in the outside icebox and you’ll have a much better winter experience. Original source: Winter Energy Efficiency [Battery Lord]