Can you handle these questions?
What if someone walks up to you and ask what you would do if you could upload your brain to the computer? Sounds quite strange, right? Great! That’s one of the thought-provoking questions that would have you scratching your head to get something reasonable as an answer. Now you know; such question can spark up a lengthy conversation between you and a stranger. Another possible question could inquire how reasonable it would be to alter your kid’s gene or the morals to be programmed into intelligent machines and autonomous cars. All these issues will surely not leave you so easy with thoughts.
I found it hard to get through these
Throw many people some kinds of questions, and I bet they would take some time before they answer, and these answers would be unique to their feelings, thoughts, and lifestyles. I’ve sat with people I wanted to be my close friends, but I can tell I sounded boring, and that’s why the mission became a failed one. All thanks to this article, I can easily pull up a conversation with anyone and make it last without pissing them. You too could read and ask people these thought-provoking questions; you’ll most likely spark up something significant. Oh yes! It’s that easy. To read the full article, click here.